Academic Supports
ACADEMIC SUPPORTS- Study Skills, Tutoring, & Resources
TEACHERS ARE YOUR #1 RESOURCE: Teachers are available to assist students before and after school in their classrooms. Students are encouraged to come after school for additional teacher direct tutoring. Many times to understand something it only takes a short 10 minute talk with the teacher for clarification after all they are the experts in their discipline. You can simply stop in but it is best if you can let a teacher know you are coming in case they have other students, parents or meeting commitments.
Teachers are also available on a limited basis before school, break time, and at lunch time. Contact specific teachers for availability.
Advisory: Is a required elective. All students are required to take this support course. This course allows junior students to complete their CIS portfolio and Service Learning Project.
Indian Education: Contact the Indian Ed office for information about tutors and other support services.
Support Meeting: If a student is failing four or more classes please contact counseling to request a staffing that includes all teachers, parents, student and a counselor or administrator. This is an intervention meeting to determine how best to meet the educational needs of the student.
Peer Study Groups: Students are encouraged to form their own study groups to discuss new learning, skills, vocabulary, lectures and daily assignments.
Study Skills Groups: Learning to develop study skills and strategies to be successful in high school sometimes needs a smaller group environment with more one-to-one support. To participate in study skills or intervention small groups contact the counseling office. Unfortunately, due to personnel assignments and/or cuts these groups are not available every year.
Special Education: Contact your student’s IEP or 504 case manager if you believe a review of services is needed. If you believe your child is in need of special education or 504 services contact guidance and counseling or the special education director at the district office.
On-Line Support & Interventions: There are a significant number of academic support program available on the internet. These can be subject specific, general study skills improvement, resources of support for essential skills, and almost anything you may need. Some website are free and others have a one time or monthly fee.