Military Opportunities
Military Opportunities
Military Opportunities
The military offers adventure and great options following high school with valuable training and educational opportunities. Recruiter information available in the Bruin Career Center.
Select the link below that you are interested in and explore.
ROTC Programs in Oregon
University of Oregon Army – ROTC https://
Oregon State University Army – ROTC http://https://arotc.
Oregon State University Navy – ROTC http://https://nrotc.
Oregon State University Airforce – ROTC http://https://afrotc.
Western Oregon University Army – ROTC
Southern Oregon University – Military Science http://
My - general career, college, military exploration
United States Branches
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Marine Corp
U.S. Coast Guard
Oregon Branch
National Guard
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
ASVAB testing site, and more information about it
If you need more information about ROTC, Military, or how to schedule an appointment with a recruiter or to take the ASVAB please see Ms. Speir in the student services & counseling office.