Daily Announcements (Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019) Seniors - Please turn in your diploma form to Counseling Office ASAP (Due Oct. 15)
BHHS Announcements (Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019) Oregon State University is visiting the Bruin Career Center on Monday, Oct 7 @ 8:30. Sign up today in the counseling office.
Know the signs: Suicide Prevention September was suicide prevention month: Here’s information to keep nearby to help yourself or a friend
2019 Homecoming Week Schedule Bonfire, spirit days, Powder Puff football charity event, noise parade, pep assembly, half-time Homecoming Coronation, Saturday night dance
BHHS seeks family members to serve on 2019-20 Site Council Apply today! Site Council is a group of teachers, parents/guardians and classified employees that work with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets.
BHSD Seeks Budget Committee Members Applications for consideration for 2-year term due Friday, Oct. 4
Class of 2019: Graduation Photos Available See galleries of grad portraits, diploma walk, speeches, celebration and more from Studio Pacific Photography