Daily Announcements (Friday, Sept. 13) Senior Information Night will be Monday, Sept. 23, at 6:30 p.m. in theBHHS Cafeteria.
BRUIN FAMILY NEWSLETTER Vol. 1 Issue 1 Read a September message to the Bruin Family from Principal DeAnne Varitek.
BHHS Daily Announcements (Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019) Reminder ASB Cards are $25.00, this will get you into all home games for free, if you do not purchase one you will pay $3.00 for each game.
Schedule Change Requests Now Available Fill out this online form to request changes to Fall 2019 class schedule
Every Day Matters: Make A Plan for Attendance Success In Oregon, students are considered chronically absent when they miss 10%of the school year, or 18 days.
Online Registration for returning students is live for 2019-2020! Register your returning student for Kalmiopsis Elementary, Azalea Middle School, and Brookings-Harbor High School now
You're Invited: 2019 Back-to-School Community Breakfast Details Come enjoy a free breakfast and mingle with new and returning teachers and staff on the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Stuff the Bus community school supply drive information Donations collected starting Aug. 12 for annual Stuff the Bus school supply drive