Budget Committee seeking new applicants

Public Notice

Oct. 6, 2023
Brookings Harbor School District 17C has 4 openings on the Budget Committee. The openings consist of 1 term with 1 year remaining; and three 3-year terms.
Applications are available on the BHSD website, at the district office, or by emailing [email protected]. Please return the completed application to Nancy Raskauskas-Coons, Administrative Assistant to the School Board, by Friday, Oct. 13, 2023.
If positions remain to be filled after the October 2023 Regular Board Meeting, the next deadline will be Nov. 10, and then Dec. 8, 2023. The Board will consider applications for appointment monthly until filled. For
more information, see https://www.brookings.k12.or.us/budget/

By state law and district policy, School District Budget Committee members must meet
three criteria:
1) Live within the geographic boundaries of District 17-C
2) Be a registered voter in the State of Oregon.
3) NOT be an employee or agent of District 17-C