Tournament info and Roster Form
Brookings-Harbor High School Hosts:
1st Annual Soccer @ SOCOMI
6v6 Tournament
Registration - $300
Goalie Wars - $30 per participant
TOURNAMENT DATE & TIME: Friday/Saturday, August 8-9, 2025 (starting time TBA). All teams will have a minimum of 3 games. The top teams will play on Saturday in the Finals. This tournament is open to any high school girls/boys teams. There will be Gold and Silver brackets.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: The registration deadline is Friday, July 10, 2025, 4:00PM. This includes a roster submission
PAYMENT DEADLINE: Mail-in payments must be received by June 6, 2025. Anyone registering after this date may pay in person at the tournament.
Please register online by completing the form and emailing your roster w/your team name to [email protected].
Register Here
GAME TYPE: All games will be 6v6 with one referee. 5 field players and 1 goalie. No offsides.
FIELD: Brookings-Harbor High School Elmer Bankus Field in the SOCOMI Sports Complex
PLAYER REGISTRATION: All players must be registered on their teams’ registration form before the tournament begins. Roster changes must be submitted to the registration table at least 30 minutes before a team’s first game. Any team or player the event director determines to falsify age will be dismissed from the tournament.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 10 is the maximum number of players on a team. 6 field players with four substitutes. No change or substitutions to rosters are allowed after a team's first game. All rosters are final upon team's first game. NO EXCEPTIONS! Players may not be rostered on more than one team in the tournament.
PLAYER IDENTIFICATION: Every player must be able to show a school ID or drivers license to prove age.
PLAYER JERSEY’S: Must have two sets of jerseys). Away teams will be in White. (One jersey and a different colored penny is fine)
GAME BALLS: Each team must have 1 game ball to provide.
SUBSTITUTIONS: May be made on any dead ball.
FIELD DIMENSION Games will be held on ½ of a High School soccer field.
GAME DURATION: Two 15-minute halves separated by a 5-minute halftime. Games tied after regulation shall end in a tie except in the finals. There are no times outs in 6v6 soccer.
TIMELY START OF GAMES: Each team must have 6 players on the field. If a team does not have 6 players on the field within 3 minutes of scheduled start time, that team will forfeit the game.
GAME RESULTS: At the end of the game, the referee will verify the result with both teams and hand in the card to the tournament table. The home team will always be listed 1st on the game card.
TEAM AND FAN AREAS: Fans can sit in the stands and not be allowed onto the field or track area. Teams will sit on the touchdown lines. Benches will be provided. Coaches must stay on their half of the field. Only players, coaches, and officials with lanyards will be allowed onto the track/field area. Under no circumstances are fans allowed onto the track or field. At the end of each match, you must immediately exit the field/track area.
SOCOMI SPORTS COMPLEX AND STADIUM RULES: no metal cleats, only molded cleats or turf shoes, no food or drinks on the field except water, no chewing gum or sunflower seeds, no glass containers, no spitting, and only authorized personnel allowed on the turf (lanyards must be visible). No devices with wheels are permitted beyond the black fence unless requiring a wheelchair or walker. This includes no strollers, wagons, bikes, or scooters! No animals are allowed in the stadium unless they are service animals trained to perform a specific task. Only use crossing mats to cross the track. To keep our field in pristine condition, please respect these rules. Anyone failing to follow the rules of the field/stadium will be asked to leave.
SCORING: Win- 3 pts. Tie- 1 pt. Loss- 0 pts. Each goal is worth 1 point. Goals must be scored from the offensive half, not the defensive half.
PENALTY FOR HIGH SCORING: A goal difference is the number of goals Team A scores, minus the number of goals Team B scores. If the difference is 5 goals or more, the winning team will have ½ point deducted for each goal over 5.
- Head-to-head play (only if two teams are tied)
- Best total goal differential
- Fewest yellow and red card points received. A yellow card is one point and a red card is two points. If a player receives a red card for having received a second yellow card, the team receives two points.
- Fewest goals allowed.
- Coin toss conducted by tournament director(s). Team representatives may or may not be present at the option of the tournament director(s).
If multiple teams are tied, these tiebreakers will be used to eliminate teams at each step, if possible. If more than one team remains tied, the tiebreakers will then be reapplied, starting with #1. (For example, if teams A, B, and C are tied on points, tiebreaker #1 does not apply. If tie-breaker #2 sees teams A and B tied on goal differential, with a better goal differential than team C, team C is eliminated. The next tiebreaker to be applied is head-to-head play between teams A and B.) All forfeited games will be treated as a 2-0 win for the non-forfeiting team unless the game was already played and the non-forfeiting team won by a greater margin.
PLAYOFF OVERTIME: Shall consist of a sudden death overtime period, maximum length of three minutes, with a coin toss to decide the kick-off direction. The first team to score in overtime is the winner. If no team has scored in the three-minute overtime period, the winner shall be decided by a shootout. A coin flip will decide which team starts the penalty kick round. The three players from each team remaining on the field at the end of the overtime period will enter a rotation of penalty kicks alternating teams with each kick, with the higher-scoring team winning after the first round. If the score remains tied after the first round of penalty kicks the same 3 players will rotate in a sudden death penalty kick format until one team scores unanswered. If one team has received a red card during the game and is finished with 2 players on the field, a remaining roster player (other than the red-carded player) may be chosen to kick in the rotation of penalty kicks. If the red-carded player is the last remaining roster player, one of the two field players may kick twice
5-YARD RULE: In place of a 10-yard rule.
GOAL KICKS: Shall be taken from end lines, not the goalie box.
PENALTY KICK: Direct kick 12 yards from the goal with all players behind the mid field line.
RED/YELLOW CARDS: The same OSAA rules apply.
SIDELINE BEHAVIOR: A coach may not enter the field of play except upon the referee’s signal. Coaches, players, parents, and spectators shall not harass or distract players or referees. Infractions of these rules will result in a caution, followed by ejection and appropriate disciplinary action as determined by the Tournament Director. No coach is to make derogatory remarks or gestures to the referee, players, or spectators. Spectators are expected not to coach.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Players, coaches and spectators are expected to act in the nature of good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of the referees will not be tolerated. Any instance of such conduct will disqualify the responsible team from the event.
PLAYER SAFETY: A player who demonstrates signs of concussion as a result of an observed or suspected blow to the head or body must leave the field and may not return to play in that match. Referees will include in their match report information about any player required to leave the field because of a suspected concussion. A player who has been removed from a game by a referee because of a suspected concussion is ineligible to play until the league director has received a copy of a medical release signed by a healthcare professional that authorizes an unrestricted return to competition. Coaches should be aware that SB 721, enrolled as 2013 Oregon Laws Chapter 489, is effective January 1, 2014. If a player exhibits signs of concussion following an observed or suspected blow to the head or body, a coach is prohibited from allowing that player to participate in any competition until the player has been cleared to return to play by a healthcare professional.
REFUND POLICY: A refund is given only when a request is made before the application deadline minus a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be given after the application deadline. Tournament cancellation: If the tournament is canceled by the hosting organization before the day of the tournament a full refund will be given. If the tournament has to be canceled on game day a credit will be given toward the entrance fee to next year’s tournament. This credit will be proportional to the number of games played.
GENERAL: The tournament director’s interpretation of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be final. The tournament director reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the tournament. If a game is suspended due to weather problems, field conditions, or other situations beyond the tournament’s control, after the completion of half the game, that game shall be considered complete and official. If a game is temporarily suspended for any of the foregoing reasons before the completion of a full half, each team involved must check with tournament headquarters for instructions.
Payments can be mailed to:
Brookings-Harbor High School
Attn: Ashley Pruitt
629 Easy Street
Brookings, OR 97415
Please make checks payable to:
BHHS Soccer
Memo: Soccer at SOCOMI – (Team Name)
Goalie Wars
GOALIE WARS: Goalie Wars is a fast-paced, action-packed game, where goalkeepers compete 1v1 to try and score as many goals as possible while simultaneously defending their own goal. 1 point is awarded for a goal. The Goalie will also earn points toward goalie wars during tournament play, 3 points for a win and 1 point for a tie. No points will be awarded for saves/goals during tournament play. The points earned during tournament play will determine placement in the goalie wars bracket.
- Each Goalkeeper must stay in their own half of the field and may take unlimited steps. 6-minute round.
- Each Goalkeeper has 10 seconds to distribute the ball.
- Goals can be scored by throwing, punting, or shooting the ball.
- When a successful save is made, play continues immediately.
- If the ball goes out of bounds, play restarts by the goalie that has the rights to the ball but they must start from their own end line.
- Goalkeepers may play rebounds as long as the ball is in their own half of the field.
AGE GROUPS: High School ages will be played at Elmer Bankus Stadium, at SOCOMI field, under the lights, on Friday, August 8, 2025.
Note: All goalies wishing to participate in goalie wars must pay $30 per participant in addition to the $300 tournament fee. Any goalies participating as an individual not affiliated with any teams, must pay $30 fee.
See PDF linked below for registration form.
Payments can be mailed to:
Brookings-Harbor High School Attn: Ashley Pruitt
629 Easy Street
Brookings, OR 97415
Please make checks payable to:
BHHS Soccer
Memo: Soccer at SOCOMI – (Team Name)
*Please email completed roster to [email protected] NO LATER than July 11th.