Parents, Guardians, and Students of the BHHS Bruin Band and Color Guard,
Your student has expressed interest, or is enrolled in Bruin Band and Color Guard for the fall of 2023.
In order to participate in Bruin Band students are strongly encouraged to attend our summer Bruin Band Camp.
Bruin Band Camp 2023 will be held at Brookings-Harbor High School from:
August 14th through to August 18th.
There is no cost to this camp. Students will meet in theBHHS music hall (auditorium) each morning at 9:50am, and will be given both a lunch and dinner break.
Go to this link and make sure to sign up for “band,” even if they are in color guard. There will be no charge. If it says there is a charge just fill out the information and ignore the payment page.
An organization called the Bruin Music Foundation would love for you to join them! They are an auxiliary family support group that helps organize trips, fundraisers, and so much more for our music students. Please consider joining them!
The volunteer opportunities we have available for this camp include:
-Signing up to make dinner for the whole band each night. We need potluck or buffet style dinners for
these kids. We encourage coordinating with other parents to tag team making dinners!
-Helping with sizing the students in their uniforms
-Donate cases of water and healthy snacks (trail mix, fruit, granola bars, etc.)
-Set up carpooling for any student with transportation needs
-Other volunteer opportunities will come up throughout the school year and we’d love to have you!
We look forward to seeing you there!
With many thanks,
Corey Tamondong
Director - [email protected], (909)728-9692
Darcie Gutierrez
Color Guard Instructor - [email protected]
If you have any scheduling issues regarding band camp please inform the director or guard coach AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Band Camp is imperative to the success of our Fall Marching Season.
Brookings Harbor High School
Bruin Band 2023 Band Camp Schedule
Monday, August 14th to Wednesday, August 16th 2023
10:00am- Start time, DO NOT BE LATE. Being early is being on time.
1:00 to 1:30- Lunch (Bring a lunch or have one dropped off. No time to leave for lunch)
4:00 to 5:00- Dinner as a family in auditorium
7:00PM- Dismissal
Thursday, August 17th, 2023
10:00- Start time, DO NOT BE LATE. Being early is being on time.
1:00 to 1:30- Lunch (Bring a lunch or have one dropped off. No time to leave for lunch)
4:00 to 5:00- Dinner as a group in auditorium
??? End of Rehearsal. Students will play games, watch movies, and sleep in auditorium
separated by gender
Friday, August 18th, 2023
8:00am- Family Breakfast. Get ready for rehearsal!
9:00- Get ready for rehearsal!
9:15- Rehearsal begins.
12:30 to 1:00- Lunch (Bring a lunch or have one dropped off. No time to leave for lunch)
4:00 to 5:00- Dinner as a group in auditorium
BONFIRE TO FOLLOW. More information to come!
Brookings Harbor High School
Bruin Band 2023 Band Camp
Preparation and Information
What to wear
- Clothing. Make sure to wear layers because it will be cold in the morning and warmer later in the day:
- Sweatpants, leggings, gym shorts, spandex
- Sweatshirts, T-shirts, tank tops, sports bras
- Closed toed, athletic shoes. You will be on your feet, marching!
- Do not wear sandals/ slides, boots, hi-tops, anything with a heel
- If you do not have athletic shoes sneakers, flats are the next best option
- Hat (something to cover your face from the sun!)
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
What to bring
- Water bottle with name clearly marked (Or marked in someway to be easily identifiable)
- Healthy snacks
- Sunscreen (we can not provide, it is considered a medication)
- Lunch
- Bring a full, balanced meal.
- Protein, veggies, and carbs! You will need to eat well to have enough energy to make it through the day! Carbohydrates (especially complex carbohydrates) will help sustain your stamina throughout the day.
- Pencils
- Instrument
- Any Necessary Medications
What NOT to bring
- Gum
- Energy Drinks
What to know
- Band camp is a requirement for all interested and/or enrolled in Bruin Band
- If you have an unavoidable prior commitment or concerns please contact the director AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that the conflict can be resolved prior to camp.
Bruin Band Student and Parent/Guardian Agreement
I, ________________________ (student name) have read, understand and agree to participation in the Bruin Band and to follow the expectation, fully attending practices, concerts, games, competitions and all other required performances. I will speak with Corey to make all other prior arrangements. My full participation as an individual in Bruin Band makes the Bruin Band the best it can be.
I also understand that marching band is a physically demanding activity and will require cardio/ strength training, flexibility, stamina, and endurance. If I have any preexisting condition that will limit my ability to participate in marching band I will make sure my director and coaches are aware of it prior to participating in any physical activities. The director will make accommodations to ensure I am still able to participate.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Student Signature Date
I/We, _________________________ (parent/guardian name) have read and understand the commitment that my student is agreeing to by joining the Bruin Band. I fully support my student and will provide all needed assistance to ensure attendance as required. I will communicate with Corey to make any prior arrangements regarding an absence. I understand that participation in the Bruin Music Foundation is voluntary and can be a benefit to my student.
I understand that marching band is a physically demanding activity and will require cardio/ strength training, flexibility, stamina, and endurance. If My student has any preexisting condition that will limit my ability to participate in marching band I will make sure my director and coaches are aware of it prior to participating in any physical activities. The director will make sure to make accommodations to ensure that my student will still be able to participate.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name/s (Print):
I can volunteer to bring the following for dinner during band camp and on the following night/s:
The best way to contact parent/guardian is:
Allergies? Dietary restrictions? Any other information we should know about your child?