Updates from the Principals (Winter Break 2020-21)

Message for Brookings-Harbor Online Academy Families


Hello BHOA Bruin Families,


Please work on your Edgenuity classes over Winter break; this is a HUGE opportunity to not only get caught up but to get ahead. The two weeks will strictly be progress because it is not included in your target completion. The end of the semester is approaching quickly and final grades will be posted to transcripts at the end of January. I will be checking my email periodically, so if you need something please email me.


Have a great break!

Vickie Nigh, BHHS Assistant Principal


Message for BHHS Face-to-Face (Hybrid) Families


Hello Bruin Families,


Thank you for all of the hard work that you’ve done this year to support your student. It’s been a challenging year but we’ve learned a lot together. 


Please encourage your student to use this time over the break to reflect, to get caught up, and to enjoy time with family. We look forward to the start of a new year when we return to learning on January 4th. 


Have a safe and happy holiday!


Yours in Service, 

DeAnne Varitek, BHHS Principal