Daily Announcements (Monday, Dec. 7, 2020)

Monday, December 7, 2020


Important REMINDER
All students need to check in and/or attend their Cohort class every day.


Technology Support Contact Information
Need help with school-issued Chromebooks or other devices? Email [email protected] or call 541-412-1843.
information:  https://www.brookings.k12.or.us/apps/news/article/1287072


CONGRATULATIONS - The following seniors have been chosen as the December's “ELKS Students of the Month” for our local Elks Lodge BPOE 1934. Each month the ELKS organization chooses two students to honor based on academics, leadership, and citizenship. The following students receive recognition and awards at an upcoming ELKS Lodge Meeting.

Annie Nation and Rylan Bruce, Congratulationsto both students!"

Now is the time to return your textbooks from last year so that we have enough books for 2nd semester! Please come to the school between 8:00-3:00 this week and drop your books off on the wood cart in the foyer. Thank you!


Knowledge Bowl is ON!

We meet digitally from 4-5pm on Tuesdays.  If you are like to do trivia and push buttons this is the right place for you.  Email Mrs. Piscitelloat [email protected] and I'll send you the link! 


LGBTQIA+Allies club...we are still here! The Google Class Code is lv33rdi.   Join the class and let us know when would work for you to have meetings! We are excited to start back up again officially and can't wait to see everyone!  Cheers, Carly Gage (President)  Mrs. Piscitello (advisor) Mr. Buehler (co-advisor)


Wrestling - If you are interested in Girls or Boys Wrestling this school year, come to the meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2020.  The meeting starts at 5:30 pm and is in Ms. Shearer's room (room 101 near the main office).  Enter the main office doors and remember to wear a mask.  See you Tuesday!