Principal's Message: Grading Information (Monday, May 11, 2020)

Good afternoon, Bruins, 


Beginning Wednesday morning, and in alignment with directives from the Oregon Department Education (ODE), the PowerSchool student/parent portal will look a little different for 9th through 11th-grade students. They will still see their list of enrolled courses, but instead of a percentage grade, students will see either a PS, which means they have PASSED the course and have earned the credit; or a dash (--), indicating that they need more time to demonstrate proficiency for the course. We have identified three essential standards in each course in which students must show proficiency in order to receive academic credit. We have closed the student/parent portal to conduct this work but will open it again at 8 am on Wednesday morning.

Any student who fails to demonstrate proficiency by June 17th will receive an INCOMPLETE (INC) along with extended time and the support of a personalized student learning plan. Students will have the following year to demonstrate proficiency through their student learning plans.


In PowerSchool, when students click to enter the course, they will see the three standards at the top of their list of assignments. If the standard shows a green dot and the word “collected,” the standard has been met. If they see an orange dot followed by the word “missing,” the student still needs to show proficiency for that standard. Once a student has demonstrated proficiency for all three standards, a PS will appear at the top of the course, indicating that they have passed the course and received the credit. Please note that previously graded assignments will still be viewable but will now show a purple dot and the word “excluded”. Please see the new view below. 


Moving to this process allows our faculty and students to focus on essential standards. We recognize that taking seven courses online has been challenging, so once a student receives a PS (PASS) for a course their required work for that course is complete. We hope this allows our students to focus on those other courses for which they need more time and support to demonstrate proficiency. 

Our cohort teachers will call you between Wednesday, May 13th and May 20th to review our students’ class schedule and to answer any questions you may have.  

Thank you for your continued patience and support. 


DeAnne Varitek, Principal


Example screen:

example screen passing grade